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Attribute TAGs

   While the capability to specify arbitrary attributes allows for much
flexibility it also can lead to unexpected results.  It is recommended
that before using a TAG that the MUI and AmigaOS autodocs be referenced
in order to clearly understand the effect the TAG will have.  All TAGs
are set by specifying a TAG id and value pair.  Any number of TAG pairs
may be given. TAG ids should be given as hexidecimal numbers (preceded
by a `0x'), although decimal numbers may also be used.  Typically, TAG
ids should be assigned to an `ARexx' variable for script clarity.  TAG
values may be either decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers, strings (the
value will be assumed to be a string if it is not recognized as a
number) or string arrays (specified by starting with a period (.) and
separating each string with a comma (,).  A TAG value can be forced to
be interpreted as a string by prepending the string with an equal
symbol (=).  Note that all TAGs indicated with an `i' flag can be set
at object creation.  The `s' flag indicates a TAG that can be set after
object creation and the `g' indicates a TAG that can be retrieved.  To
retrieve a TAG value just specify the TAG id alone.  The TAG value will
be returned in the `ARexx' variable RESULT.

   For commands that allow specification of attribute TAGs some example
TAGs are given with the command description.  However, it may be
possible (even probable) that other TAGs may be usable.  It is
therefore highly recommended that the MUI class autodocs be consulted. 
These autodocs may be found in the MUI developers archive.